We have goals and understand the power in setting them

Services & Sessions We Offer

Raindrop Enterprises

Performance & Life Coaching

Including how to achieve a better self-image, addiction intervention and recovery, Re-entery programs for incarcerated adults & youth also available suicide prevention and recovery. Don't even think about it! But if you have, please give us a call. Been there done that. Glad I'm still here.

(Ages 12+)


Raindrop Enterprises


Become the best version of you by learning to align your BODY, MIND & SPIRIT with a balance of SLEEP, NUTRITION & EXERCISE


We teach you the techniques and help you develop & use the tools that you probably already possess but have not uncovered or have been forgotten.


Learn hands on healthy recipes and methods to maximize energy, focus and physical transformation.


10% technical ability, 90% mental focus. Learn techniques to expand both and optimize athletic performance naturally.

Raindrop Enterprises


Live LIFE OUTDOORS by participating in hiking, biking, show showing, rock climbing, river rafting, back packing & camping (just to list a few).

Core Coaching Principles


We have goals and understand the power in setting them.

Teaching and follow through on goals is essential at Raindrop enterprise. There have been numerous studies that have shown people who set goals are more likely to succeed than people who do not.

An open mind

Some of our beliefs and actions are so ingrained that we automatically disregard any evidence that we should think or act otherwise.

A willingness to change

It is one thing to want to live a better life, but are you really willing to make the necessary changes?

Defining your values and principles

If you don’t have one already, I highly recommend taking the time to write a personal mission statement.


Many of us are unaware that we’ve gone into “auto-pilot” mode. Turn it off and decide to live consciously. 

Raindrop Enterprises


By setting goals, you focus your attention on a target which, in turn, focuses your mind on finding ways to get there.


An open mind

Keep an open mind, and you may just come across a better way of seeing or doing things.

Raindrop Enterprises

A willingness to change

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” – Albert Einstein

Raindrop Enterprises

Defining your values and principles

Who are you? What are you about? And what do you value? 

Raindrop Enterprises


Make the choice to live your life on purpose, every minute of every day. If you are reading this right now, you're on the right track.

Raindrop Enterprises


“The price of discipline is always less than the pain of regret"

Raindrop Enterprises

The ability to enjoy the now

Stop. And enjoy this very moment.

Raindrop Enterprises

Find your purpose

Meaning comes from developing a sense of purpose.


You may have the best intentions in the world, but without self-discipline, you will fall victim to the temptation.

The ability to enjoy the now

It’s important to plan for the future, but too many people have “destination addiction” which means they can’t enjoy then present. 

Find your purpose

Meaning comes from developing a sense of purpose.


Raindrop Enterprises
Experience & recognize the importance of daily gratitude
Raindrop Enterprises
Find your Why's Why & HOW to put it into action
Raindrop Enterprises
Replace destructive habits with positive patterns & routines
Raindrop Enterprises
Develop awareness! Awareness of your beliefs, your own power, and of your freedom to choose.
Raindrop Enterprises
Learn how you can create quality relationships
Raindrop Enterprises
Develop your authenticity
Raindrop Enterprises
Learn importance of accountability to self and others
Raindrop Enterprises
Define your core values and beliefs
Raindrop Enterprises
Become a better parent by learning how to live in the present
Raindrop Enterprises
Develop your spiritual connection
Raindrop Enterprises
Ignite your creative spark
Raindrop Enterprises
Learn to be able to step back and gain some perspective in tough life situations
Raindrop Enterprises
Gain purpose and clarity on what drives you
Raindrop Enterprises
Gratitude for nature
Raindrop Enterprises
Being physically fit
Raindrop Enterprises
Become a better example and role model

We Have Fun!

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Tips, Tools, And Updates To Keep You Healthy And Happy